Family Room

2 Crescent Gardens Guest House

Family Room

Standard rates for this room

  1. Hairdryer
  2. Tea/Coffee Making
  3. Linen Provided
  4. DVD Player
  5. Wireless Internet
  6. Heating
  7. Linen and Towels Provided
  8. 電視
  9. Non-Smoking
  10. Daily Room Service
  11. Shower - separate
  1. 1 请按以下表格选择房间的数量和入住日期

    ["There are not enough vacancies for the selected dates."]
    已选的房间 全价 周四 05 9月 2024 周五 06 9月 2024 周六 07 9月 2024 周日 08 9月 2024 周一 09 9月 2024 周二 10 9月 2024 周三 11 9月 2024 周四 12 9月 2024 周五 13 9月 2024 周六 14 9月 2024 周日 15 9月 2024 周一 16 9月 2024 周二 17 9月 2024 周三 18 9月 2024
    Family Room £ 180 已出售 已出售 已出售 已出售 已出售 已出售 已出售 已出售 已出售 已出售 已出售 已出售 已出售 已出售
  2. 2 请选择房间的住客人数和额外选择 Prices are in GBP

    日期 房费包含 房间房价 额外成人 额外儿童 总计
    1. 房间 1:
    周四, 05 9月 £ 199 £ 0 £ 0 £ 199


    房间 Charges £ 199
    额外合计 £ 0
    累计 £ 199
    VAT number 176248289 20% Included
  1. 3 请输入客户资料与付款方式 请填写客人资料

    1. 如果您需要在酒店入住时间之外入住,请联系酒店。

      1. Visa
      2. Mastercard
    1. 例如1234567890123456

    By selecting "Book Now" I authorise 2 Crescent Gardens Guest House to send instructions to the financial institution that issued my card to take payments from my card in accordance with the terms of my agreement with 2 Crescent Gardens Guest House.


Payment Policy

We accept cash, cheques issued in the Uk and most major credit cards.

Cancellation Policy

Hotel Cancelation policy.
If booking through a third party please refer to their policies and terms and conditions at the time of booking.
We must be notified of your intenton to cancel your booking.
Cancelations made within seven days of your arrival date will be charged 50% of the accommodation booked. Any cancelations made within 48 hours prior to your arrival date will incur the full cost of the accommodation booked. Non arrivals will be charged the full amount of the accommodation booked.

If 2 Crescent Gardens is forced to cancel the booking for reasons outside of our control we will give you as much notice as is reasonably possible and will refund the sum of any deposit paid.

Hot Deal!