Group Sea View En Suite

Strawberry Fields

Group Sea View En Suite

Standard rates for this room
Payment is processed 7 days before arrival.
Changes within a week of arrival are subject to the entire reservation amount is being charged.

  1. Daily Room Service
  2. Tea/Coffee Making
  3. Non-Smoking
  4. Wireless Internet
  5. En-Suite
  6. Linen and Towels Provided
  7. Television
  1. Skref 1 Veldu fjölda herbergi og tíma dvalar - notið reitina fyrir neðan til að athuga bókunarstöðu

    Athuga bókunarstöðu
    Val á Herbergi Fullt verð þri 18 nóv 2025 mið 19 nóv 2025 fim 20 nóv 2025 fös 21 nóv 2025 lau 22 nóv 2025 sun 23 nóv 2025 mán 24 nóv 2025 þri 25 nóv 2025 mið 26 nóv 2025 fim 27 nóv 2025 fös 28 nóv 2025 lau 29 nóv 2025 sun 30 nóv 2025 mán 01 des 2025
    Group Sea View En Suite 250 £ 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
    Renna skal örinni yfir verð til að sjá bókunarstöðu, lágmarksdvöl og skilyrði
  2. Skref 2 Veldu herbergi gesta og auka valmöguleika Prices are in GBP

    (börn allt að 5 ára)
    Dagsetning Innifalið daglega Verð á Herbergi Auka fullorðinn Auka barn Heildar -
    1. Herbergi 1:
    þri, 18 nóv 250 £ 0 £ 0 £ 250 £

    Auka búnaður í boði fyrir herbergi

    Running late - if you need to arrive after 20:00 please give us 24 hours notice and we can arrange access for you

    25 £ fyrir hverja bókun 0 £

    Guarantees the room to be available from 12:00 so you can make the most of your time in Brighton

    25 £ á herbergi 0 £

    If you will want to check out after 11:00, we charge a small fee for a longer lie-in

    25 £ fyrir hverja bókun 0 £


    Herbergi Charges 250 £
    Samtals Aukavalmöguleika 0 £
    Heildar - 250 £
    VAT 20% Included
  1. Skref 3 Sláðu inn gesta- og greiðsluupplýsingar Vinsamlega fyllið inn nauðsynlegar upplýsingar

    1. Ef komutími er utan þess sem hægt er að velja, vinsamlega hafið samband

    2. Vinsamlega skilgreinið

    Sundurliðun greiðslu
      1. Visa
      2. Mastercard
    1. t.d. 1234567890123456

    By selecting "Book Now" I authorise Strawberry Fields to send instructions to the financial institution that issued my card to take payments from my card in accordance with the terms of my agreement with Strawberry Fields.


Check-in is between 16:00 and 23:00.
Check out is 11:00. There is a charge of £10 per hour for overstaying.
Early/late check-in and late check out can be pre-booked subject to availability for £25.
Lost keys or those not returned on departure will be charged at £40 per set.
Travel Insurance is strongly recommended to cover you for losses due to unexpected events.
Smoking in the rooms will incur a fee of £200.
Tampering with fire equipment such as alarms, detectors and extinguishers will incur a fee of £400

Any Damage or Charges will be taken from the Card provided with the booking.

Payment of your reservation (unless pre-paid) is processed 3 days before arrival and for Standard rates changes within a week of arrival are subject to the entire reservation being charged.

All guests are required to show a valid photo ID (Driving licence or Passport) and provide valid credit/debit card details on arrival for security purposes. Any person under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult

Pre-paid, non refundable discounted bookings are charged when booked and are not transferable.

Payment Policy

Payment for your stay is processed 3 days before arrival and if not Full Payment expected on Check In.

Pre-paid non refundable bookings are charged when booked and are not transferable.

Cancellation Policy

If cancelled up to 3 days before date of arrival, no fee will be charged. If cancelled or modified later or in case of no-show, the total price of the reservation will be charged.

Pre-paid, non refundable bookings and deposits for group bookings (more than 6 people) are not transferable nor refundable

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