Basement En Suite Group

Strawberry Fields

Basement En Suite Group

Standard rates for this room

  1. Étape 1 Sélectionnez le nombre de chambres et les dates du séjour. Utilisez la grille ci-dessous pour vérifier la disponibilité

    Vérifier la disponibilité
    Chambre Sélection Plein tarif lun 16 sept. 2024 mar 17 sept. 2024 mer 18 sept. 2024 jeu 19 sept. 2024 ven 20 sept. 2024 sam 21 sept. 2024 dim 22 sept. 2024 lun 23 sept. 2024 mar 24 sept. 2024 mer 25 sept. 2024 jeu 26 sept. 2024 ven 27 sept. 2024 sam 28 sept. 2024 dim 29 sept. 2024
    Basement En Suite Group 250 £ 94 98 95 90 128 182 81 96 99 Vendue 97 Vendue Vendue 84
    Déplacez la souris sur le prix pour voir inclusions, occupation et séjour minimale
  2. Étape 2 Choisir occupants et suppléments optionnels Chambre Les prix sont en GBP

    Votre taux d'occupation
    (enfants jusqu'à 5 ans)
    Date Inclusions quotidiennes Tarif de Chambre Adulte supplémentaire Enfant supplémentaire Total
    1. Chambre 1:
    lun, 16 sept. 94 £ 0 £ 0 £ 94 £


    Chambre Frais 94 £
    Total des suppléments 0 £
    Montant total 94 £
    VAT 20% Inclus
  1. Étape 3 Saisissez les informations détaillées des clients et du paiement Veuillez compléter les informations demandées

    Informations sur le supplément
    1. Pour les arrivées en dehors des horaires disponibles, veuillez contacter l'établissement

    2. Veuillez indiquer

    Informations de paiement
      1. Visa
      2. Mastercard
    1. par exemple 1234567890123456

    En sélectionnant « Réserver maintenant », j'autorise Strawberry Fields à envoyer à l'organisme financier émetteur de ma carte des instructions de paiement sur ma carte conformément aux termes de mon contrat avec Strawberry Fields.

Conditions générales

Check-in is between 16:00 and 23:00.
Check out is 11:00. There is a charge of £10 per hour for overstaying.
Early/late check-in and late check out can be pre-booked subject to availability for £25.
Lost keys or those not returned on departure will be charged at £40 per set.
Travel Insurance is strongly recommended to cover you for losses due to unexpected events.
Smoking in the rooms will incur a fee of £200.
Tampering with fire equipment such as alarms, detectors and extinguishers will incur a fee of £400

Any Damage or Charges will be taken from the Card provided with the booking.

Payment of your reservation (unless pre-paid) is processed 3 days before arrival and for Standard rates changes within a week of arrival are subject to the entire reservation being charged.

All guests are required to show a valid photo ID (Driving licence or Passport) and provide valid credit/debit card details on arrival for security purposes. Any person under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult

Pre-paid, non refundable discounted bookings are charged when booked and are not transferable.

Conditions de paiement

Payment for your stay is processed 3 days before arrival and if not Full Payment expected on Check In.

Pre-paid non refundable bookings are charged when booked and are not transferable.

Politique d'annulation

If cancelled up to 3 days before date of arrival, no fee will be charged. If cancelled or modified later or in case of no-show, the total price of the reservation will be charged.

Pre-paid, non refundable bookings and deposits for group bookings (more than 6 people) are not transferable nor refundable

Se renseigner

  1. Demande
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